Ever wondered what you are going to leave behind for posterity? A toxic legacy is the only gift the digital age will offer its survivors. But 4R Recycling extends you a helping hand, thus providing you a chance to change this.
4R Recycling is a Bangalore-based recycling company that supports the global vision of achieving a clean and healthy future. 4R Recycling is based on the 4Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recreate. 4R Recycling recognizes waste as a potential resource and believes that efficient waste management could generate additional resources, making it an essential component of our economy.
4R Recycling has always believed that a world can truly succeed in its journey towards sustainability with the implementation of the right recycling process alone. Although recycling seems to be the talk of the town in recent days, very few institutions have taken the right path towards achieving it. 4R Recycling is one of the few to make the recycling act beyond its literal meaning by investing all their efforts towards following the "mining above the ground" process. Keeping today's tech-savvy populace in mind, 4R Recycling realises that a more compact, easy and feasible method should be enforced. They have goals guiding them towards achieving an e-Waste-free world. e-Waste can be curbed by adopting a re-use end-of-life electronics mantra and government-approved technological set up to optimise the recovery of metals and other resources in a methodical and habitual manner. 4R Recycling not only advocates the adage Energy saved is energy earned, but has also actioned it. They believe recycling is a service towards Earth and they ardently strive towards it to create a healthier and safer tomorrow.
We will build India's largest 'socially relevant' integrated waste management enterprise focused on Recycling, Reprocessing, Reusing and Recreating from all kinds of waste and establish a company that generates power using waste.
We are committed
We will continuously invest in newer technologies and methodologies of recycling of e-Waste and strive to make our environment greener, safer and towards a more sustainable future.
Born in March 2012, 4R Recycling consists of a dedicated and proficient team that believes in simplifying recycling solutions by identifying uncharted possibilities in the field of recycling technology. The three pillars that drive 4R Recycling towards its vision of a cleaner and healthier Earth, are standing firm with a clear motive: